an early start
t It's 4:47 a.m. I just deleted nearly a half hour of writing. Whatever I hit, erased my page and left me with the above "t." When does one remember to save work along the way? There is no apparent "undo" button on this program. I was just thinking how well I was doing to write directly onto my blog and to skip the Word doc phase. I have now hit "save draft."
At 4:19 I escaped that contortion called sleep. With a head firmly nestled at the nape of my neck and a butt in my gut, I popped out of the sandwich like a chunk of strawberry preserve wedged on the edge of a PBJ.
I have been reading Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. For the third time. I haven't unpacked my unread books, so I borrowed one from the boys. The little boys. The big boy hasn't held a paper book since I gifted him an electronic reader thing. I'm to the point where Hermione Granger has her arm stretched to the stars wanting to answer a question in Snape's class. Apparently, I too tried to answer the question most of the night. My arm was numb and stuck up when I awoke.
At 4:28 I brewed a cup of coffee with my Keurig brewer. Without placing a cup under the dispenser. I was mystified that I could forget this. And even more mystified that I couldn't remember which cupboard I designated for mugs. Ah yes, across the kitchen from the brewer. Not to worry, the drip tray will hold a full cup of coffee. I've tested it before.
This, I believe, is where Hump Day originated. Some days the mid-week hump is bigger than others. Thankfully, today, it's just a series of funny little humps that will be forgotten by the time I push "publish" ... or accidently hit "delete." Again.
Happy Hump Day...