The Radiation Plan

With February break next week, the boys are off school and we have friends visiting from England.

Yesterday, I met with a MGH doctor who is at a satellite location about ten minutes from my house. Treatment would be the same with him as with the other local doctor I met with last fall. I'm leaning toward the MGH doctor so all of my treatment is on file with one organization. Plus, he said, "I would be happy to take care of you here" -- the same thing my chemo doc said in an email to me. Not to just treat me, but to take care of me. I need to allot about an hour a day, five days a week for six weeks, to the radiation appointments. Radiation will begin March 1st.

We are off to Vermont this weekend -- in search of snow but not sure we will find any even farther north.

7:00: the morning shift is starting... :)

Happy Valentine's Day to each of you!
