Explicit Instructions for a Rainy-Day Kid Challenge

Rainy, dreary days ahead?  Try this with the kids for a few hours of entertainment. You'll need some space. About 6 - 8 feet between Point A & Point B, preferably out of any public walking paths. I chose a smooth, flat surface. Like this bench: Or this path between a footstool and barstools: Haul out boxes of building sets. No hesitation just grab the boxes of favorites and the boxes of stuff they never play with.

Set up the build site. The start: The finish: Write a few instructions. For some reason my kids prefer reading directions over hearing my voice. Let 'em at it. If I do this with my sons, I give them different paths to work on. (See Big Ben Build set-up photo above: start points at the ends & end point in the middle.) To me, a rainy day is not the setting for constructing a shared vision with your brother the ramp maker when you are an ivy grower. Here's the ramp maker's beginning build: And after he decided to add a moving part -- a ramp for a ball to roll through: Here's the ivy grower's build: Have a pocketful of added challenges. Do they think they have completed the challenge? Incorporate one can of play dough. Add movable parts. Put 5 popsicle sticks in. Build a bridge. Create a canopy. Again, best written down: Give them a camera. Let them take pictures so the tearing down -- in three days -- is more bearable. Take note on what they don't use. Any materials not used can leave your house. See the cool multi-colored 3-piece climbers in this shot? That's my contribution to the build, hoping to gain interest in these colorful builders that I love. They have absolutely no interest in them. Go. Start the build. Let them build. Then, come back here and share ideas in the comments!